Long Island 儿童研究 Department

St. Joseph's University, New York is the teacher’s college of Long Island.

Study with the 儿童研究 Department and pursue your dream of being an influential teacher.

我们的尖端课程——一直在纽约大都会区最好的教学项目中名列前茅——将学生塑造成敬业的教师,他们自信地领导课堂. Join us and take advantage of a diverse selection of programs that includes the child study major, concentration and bilingual certificate extension for undergraduates, 6个硕士学位课程, and more than 15 teaching concentrations. 

当你毕业时, you will have student teaching experience, working with first to sixth graders in a variety of settings, 比如私人的, parochial and public schools, as well as in general education and special education classrooms. 

As part of the 儿童研究 Department on our Long Island campus, you will benefit from small class sizes and be welcomed by a supportive community, ready to collaborate and share ideas. 教师 will personally know you and offer guidance and support. 在你学习结束的时候, 你将准备好掌握所有的教学证书,并自信地走上教室.

卢Liberatore卢Liberatore, 15岁
儿童研究专业 with a Minor in Business Administration and a Concentration in 历史

Mr. Liberatore是Bridgehampton Union Free学区的五年级特殊教育教师.

"The child study department at 澳门足彩app拥有一支特殊的专业人员队伍,他们不遗余力地满足该项目所有学生的需求. 在儿童研究项目中,每一位教授对我的影响都帮助塑造了今天的我. 他们的指导和支持为我提供了必要的工具,在我的课堂上促进学习文化,并改变年轻学习者的生活"

The Long Island Child Study Experience

有需求: St. 约瑟夫的儿童研究毕业生在长岛的学校和该地区以外的地区一直需要教师, 学校管理人员, principals and superintendents.


实践经验: The classes on our Long Island campus will prepare you for student teaching, where you lead classes with the guidance of an experienced teacher.


达到你的目标: 通过毕业, you will have the qualifications for initial certification in New York state.



The first step toward a rewarding career in teaching.

B.A. in 儿童研究 is a hallmark program of 澳门足彩app, 提供卓越的教育,在纽约大都会区一直名列前茅的最佳教学项目. 教师教育课程是由教师教育认证委员会(TEAC)注册和全面认证的。.



More than 15 teaching concentrations in your area of interest.


Special Education with an annotation in Severe and Multiple Disabilities M.A.
Take your career to the next level.

在整个项目中, you will sharpen your classroom management skills, learn the best ways to make a positive impact on your future students, 并有资格获得残疾儿童学生和残疾学生中级通才证书. Content specialist extensions are available in Earth 科学, 生物学, 化学, 英语, 数学, 物理, 社会研究及西班牙语. 在职毕业生, 36学分的课程有资格获得严重和多重残疾注释(学前班到12年级), 所有成绩).


Educational 领导 with Critical Consciousness M.A.
Make a difference in your school community.

参加我们教育领导项目的学生有动力在他们的学校社区创造积极的变化. 我们的教育部门的专职教师传授工具,你将使用这些工具将你的学区塑造成一个充满多样性的地方, 接纳和尊重.



Infant/Toddler Early Childhood Special Education M.A.
Develop expertise in the education field.

该项目指导毕业生如何以额外的理解和敏感来领导一个特殊教育课堂. Learn to help students develop their way of thinking, 同时为你在早期干预和特殊教育的职业生涯中可能面临的挑战做准备.



读写与认知.A. 所有的成绩
Take your career to the next level. 

我们创新的节目将教你新的和深思熟虑的方法,为长岛和全国各地学校的不同儿童提供有效的识字教育. 我们36学分课程的专业教师为学生在职业生涯中遇到的各种挑战做好准备.



Pave your way to a fulfilling career path.

这个48学分的课程将为您提供创新的识字教学方法,同时指导个性化教育计划(IEPs),以满足班上每个学生的需求. 通过毕业, you will have the tools to teach reading in your special education classroom with confidence.


Make your mark with a mathematics education.

Get ready for faculty to give you the tools necessary to improve student motivation, teach problem-solving skills, and inspire students to take interest in STEM fields. Take advantage of our flexible scheduling, with opportunities to teach during the day and attend class in the evening.

This concentration is only an option for math concentrates.



Teaching 英语 to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) M.A.

准备理解英语作为一种额外语言的基础,并展示读写能力和语言教学技巧. 我们的课程将培养您在用学生的母语和英语教授核心学科领域的技能和方法, 同时引导学生理解语言学和语法在第二语言学习中的作用.



Bilingual Certificate Extension
Enhance your teaching career with a second language.

拥有或正在寻求幼儿教育或中等特殊教育(K-12年级)基本证书的在职教师将受益于我们的证书扩展计划. It is available at the undergraduate and graduate levels. 所提供的课程适合具有英语和其他语言读写能力的教师. The program offers special education majors opportunities to develop and explore: (a) cultural competencies appropriate when interacting with families of a minority culture; (b) expertise in understanding the language acquisition process for second language learners; and (c) instructional strategies that address the cognitive and academic challenges 英语 language learners encounter.



向其他语言的人教授英语的高级证书(TESOL)旨在为已经持有硕士学位的认证教师做好准备,以了解英语作为一种额外语言的基础. 这个项目展示了读写能力和语言教学技巧,同时帮助学生发展用母语和英语教授核心学科领域的技能和方法. 该项目还培养了对语言学和语法在K-12年级第二语言学习中的作用的理解.
